Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day

So I know you were probably expecting a vindictive single feminist rant against the commercialization of an imaginary holiday, which, for the record, I could offer you in my sleep. But instead of harping on the implicit exclusion and terrible clashing that are woven into the fabric of Valentine's Day, I'd like to try and give the festivities a bit of their dignity back. (thank me later)

I don't normally need a reason to eat chocolate, or buy flowers, but if you're just throwing reasons at me...
You want more reasons to enjoy this day? Valentine's Day is a reminder to share the love. Love your family. Love your friend. Love yourself. And I know that in this modern state of awareness and relationship building you think that we don't need a day particularly designated for telling people you love them, but we have reminders for so many other mundane things. When my light butter popcorn is done in the microwave it's a solid minute before it stops beeping. I set three alarms to wake up on the daily. So you think a reminder won't come in handy?

Share the love! Don't hate today. Enjoy it. Lean into it. Treat yourself to some appreciation and make sure everyone in your life knows how much they mean to you.

Excuse me while I get down from my pedestal. Off to go enjoy some free candy.

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