Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life Philosophy

I've decide to let you all in on a little secret. Much to the detriment of my blog I've been in a delightful mood for the past several days, which translates to few angsty musings for blog fodder. My apologies. So I thought I'd share my life philosophy. One of the many people who shared their thoughts on my blog with me after my last facebook share was my Pseudo-Aunt (I don't have any real aunts, but I'm pretty content just having her and a few others). And she actually shared something that I whole-heartedly agree with, which is that happiness is a choice. Happiness is totally a choice. And in response to the million counter examples that your brain just automatically racked up, I say calm down. Wait to hear what I have to say. What I mean by "happiness is a choice" is that the world is a mess and we have no control over 99.9983674%  of what happens. Add that will be true whether we choose happiness or not. The roughly .1127436% of the world that we have control over is the way we respond to it. And in that way, happiness is not just a choice. It's the only choice that we have. The choice that affects all other experiences. So choose happiness. Because really, why wouldn't you?

OK, so that's only a part of my life philosophy. More just something that I wholeheartedly believe. Here's my life philosophy. It's an idea that it took me thousands of days, hundreds of failures, and a bit of gut instinct to discover, but now it's a phrase and concept I return to regularly:

be at one with the chaos of the universe

It is a challenge, for sure. But if you can manage it you'll be astounded at how much better your life becomes. At how much easier things seem and how much more elegantly simple or beautifully complex everything begins to appear. Be at one with the chaos of the universe. Accept your lack of control. Roll with the punches. Best laid plans etc. etc. And once you align yourself with the pure chaos that has ushered in the world as we know it you will find that big changes seem smaller and everything seems a little less do or die. So give yourself a break. Embrace the beauty of unpredictability  Choose happiness. Choose chaos. Choose excitement and adventure. Be at one with the chaos of the universe.

Because really, it's never that big of a deal.

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